The Magic Key

The Magic Key



Family Musical Theater

  • Nominated for best show for boys and girls at the Valencian Performing Arts Awards
  • Awarded as best children’s musical at the 2021 Regional Awards of the international platform Broadway World

“I hate books.” This is the phrase most repeated by Guille in recent years. There is no shortage of reasons: his mother is a writer, his grandfather is an editor, his name is due to the playwright William Shakespeare… and countless moments experienced by Guille where books have ruined any hope of reconciliation with them.


One day, fed up with everything, Guille shouts that phrase that he had thought so much about but had never said out loud: “I wish to never read a book again in my life!” He could have formulated it any other way, he could not have said it… but he did. And his “wish”, inexplicably, was fulfilled. And it is from this moment when our protagonist’s adventure begins.


He discovers a magic key that manages to send him inside his mind. He will meet Conciencia, a very particular Jiminy Cricket; Broki, a broker that buys and sells ideas; to The Muse of Memories, who together with the spectators will decide if an idea is good or bad; He will face “Fear”… but above all he will know himself and discover the real reason why he began to hate books.


Are you willing to enter this fascinating and magical adventure? Will Guille be able to read a book again?

Duration: 60 minutes

Type of Show: Family Musical Theater

Language: Valencian and Spanish

Company: Off Artes Escénicas

Protagonizado por: Ana Conca, Pau Vercher y Yeray Varo
Dirección y guion: Mamen Mengó y Víctor Lucas
Composición musical: Víctor Lucas
Coreografía y movimiento escénico: Toñi B.Forascepi
Escenografía: Luis Crespo
Vestuario: Pascual Peris
Diseño de iluminación: Stefano Recchia
Videomapping: Patricia Sánchez, Yeray Varo y Jose Luis Cardona
Cartel: Mariano Martín
Comunicación: Paula Sierra
Fotografía y diseño: Estel·la Latorre
Gestión de Sala: Verónica Martínez
Distribución: Raquel Gonzálvez
Administración: Anna Carro, Rea Vasilaki y Paula Giménez
Producción ejecutiva: Pedro Giménez

La Llave Mágica ha sido beneficiaria de una ayuda del IVC a la producción 2020